Fluendo and SERAPHIC develop fully compliant Digital TV browser solution for Linux and Android TV

Written by
Maye MacJuly 9, 2018
Fluendo, the influential multimedia provider of GStreamer based solutions and SERAPHIC, the largest independent HbbTV 2 solution provider in the world, recently announced the roll out of an Android TV compliant HbbTV 2 SDK. Following its launch of Linux based HbbTV 2 SDK, the new solution is now able to provide the cross-platform HbbTV SDK compliant with the latest HbbTV 2.0.1 standard.
HbbTV 2.0.1 enhances the specification with support to HTML5, HEVC, TTML, MPEG DASH (DVB profile), Companion Screen, Media Synchronization, ClearKey and Ad insertion.
Fluendo provides SERAPHIC with an SDK which, among others, is composed by these main GStreamer-based components: Hardware Acceleration, Adptative Streaming (including DVB-DASH technology) and Playback. The combination of the Fluendo SDK with the SERAPHIC Sraf HTML5 browser (based in Blink engine) fully meets with Android TV’s TV Input Framework (TIF), which could resolve device manufacturers’ concern to obtain the Android TV certification.
The new HbbTV 2.0.1 compliant Android TV SDK supports the latest Android Operating system and will evolve together with Android’s system update.
“We’re very pleased to collaborate with SERAPHIC in order to deliver a cross-platform HbbTV 2.0.1 SDK on both Linux and Android TVs. The Android TV SDK helps device manufacturers increase market share with reduced RD cost and accelerate time-to-market dramatically. Through our partnership with SERAPHIC, our engineering team commits to bringing more advanced solutions in the field of hybrid technologies”, said Jorge Zapata, CTO of Fluendo.
To find out more information about our solution, click here.